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Eat wel. Play well. Sleep well.

Thursday, 23 August 2007


Its such a BIG whooha in my school now, i swear! its like all the Wednesdays directed study periods are used for THE BALL.

And guess what we did today?

Our principle, tried to teach about 100+ students how to dance. -.-
i am not kidding.

we were like supposed to do the dance so that on that night it will be fun.
my god,
and the situation was sooooo pre-school.
instructions were given that a guy must pair up with a member of the opposite sex, which is a female.
it took us all a million years to get organised because the guys and girls refuse to pair up and eventually we were assigned because everyone refused to move, and in murdoch college, there is an excess of females. HAHA. so yeah, on that night, there will be more females.

and it was fun i guess, i got paired by with aaron, mumtash was whipped of to another corner of the room, yan was with jin, myitzu was with jeff and lynnette was dancing with davina. so yeah, the jive, we had to spin and spin and step here and there, my god it was so disastrous and no one knew what they were doing, but in the end it was fun. almost every couple did not know when to change the partners and the females are supposed to do a turn off to the next guy and so on.

but then again, all us people who have 2 left feet and no sense of rhythm, this was most of the case.

myitzu: do we turn now?
jeff: errr...
yan & jin: one two three four... tow two three four......three two three four...
aaron: turn, turn NOW!!! *spins jessica hard over to jeff*
jessica: HUH?
*aaron looks around only to realise that every one is still with their partners*
aaron: oh, erm, come back! *spins jessica hard in the other direction*
jessica: -.-
yan and jin concentrates on counting and burst out laughing at jess, aaron, jeff and myitzu. while lynnette and davina have a good time sort of stoning and doing their own steps at the corner.

and then aaron, jin and jeff attempt to dance together.
jessica & yan: o.O

and then jeff start singing the " i don't feel like dancing" song by the scissors sisters.

and in like another corner, bill and yuki were trying to get the steps right and bill was concentrating like damn hard on the steps. it was so funny. :)

and so as we spin and turn and spin some more, the females are being carelessly thrown over to other partners. and soon everything becomes a blur because of the spinning.

i have no idea whatsoever how we are supposed to do this in HEELS.
god help us.

and if only the dance was as cool as the one in Harry Potter and the Yule Ball, then NO ONE will be complaining.but then again, there will be lifting involved, hmmm... HAHA. wouldn't that be interesting.

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

The influence of SINGAPOREANS in murdoch college.

Gun Park (100% KOREAN) : GP
Jess, Yan and Lynn: (100% SINGAPOREANS)

*lynnette turns*
Lynn: What Lar?
GP notices yan
GP: oie, ah lian no 2! wheres your lan jiao bottle?
GP then notices jess
GP: oie, ah lian no 3, want sweet a not?

Like, erm, oookaay....O.o?

Gun Park, AKA goon pook has used like 2 very very singaporean words in one conversation.
its almost amazing, we singaporeans should stop corrupting people like GP. who used "ah lian" and " lan jiao". and FYI, GP knows like a million more singlish words and their meanings.


Sunday, 19 August 2007

yikes. three months didnt really take that long to get by, obviously, cuz its the holidays.
and im super stressed out this moment cuz jess refuses to sleep unless i blog?!
actually its good if not ill never get this done and end up falling asleep.
and we also found out that we both have hard diskes! whee
even though i the thot of ny airport haunts me right now i still feel kinda chirpy!
and at the same time sleepy -.-
but im jus not as depressed.
maybe its cuz i know theres so much waiting for me there. and im finally gonna face it after these three months of worrying across the planet. i know ill be able to overcome. and come back. in four months. and see my dear darlings. haha YO DO U REALIZE IM JUS GNA BE GONE FOR A DAMN SHORT WHILE
haha i see this like im gna die.
really, im gna be back before u guys realize it.
and im arriving dec 21 - JESS'S BIRTHDAY woots.

i shall leave now (:
see you again, at 645 am dec 21 changi airport! wooohooooooo!

love, fung

Saturday, 18 August 2007

hullo it's donkee!

you know, donkeys are stupid. but im a smart donkee(: haha self proclaiming to be one. whatever! i like it. REBECCA IS GOING BACK TOMORROW! sigh. everyones gonna be so so so busy! life is gonna suck because we'll be studying for tests, chionging homework, and trying to get some sleep, meeting doule faced people in every moment of our lives, and most importantly, missing the recess girls. well, im glad to say that all these shit WILL be over in 4 months!
therefore, dot dot dot, we must endure! YES! (:

and jessica! dont be so sad lahh! you'll break my heart, and the great-darling rebecca's and everyone else's!

BE strong my girl! this is how much we love you! shangri-la was our best night. but hk will be our best holiday ever. even better than perth!

these are the special times, times we remember(:

ok, since i bloody hell cannot get the freaking pictures up on the bloody blog, i shall just blog about the greatness of our dear rebecca fung.

which is now spending her precious time to send me songs instead of packing. :)

and so our dear girl is leaving for the us once AGAIN, and she will be once again cut off from the world all over again. SOBS!

maybe when she feels like it a while later, she will blog the pics that i cannot seem to get on this bloody post. i swear, its my sucky Internet.

we live in a world of backstabbers and double faces, but i am just gald to still have met le sss and the recess friends.

Where Art Thou, Dearest? says:
Where Art Thou, Dearest? says:
Where Art Thou, Dearest? says:
fung says:
fung says:
Where Art Thou, Dearest? says:
i so do not know how i am supposed to live after you leave me
fung says:
my comp restart on its own!
Where Art Thou, Dearest? says:

i will so miss my becky when she is gone, who else would spend money with me? who else would go to high end shopping places with me and window shop? who else would not care about phone bill and call me? who else would talk to me about being stupid? who else would video call me for 3 hours!?!?!!?!? WHO?!?

i love you babe!

web caming with jessie wessie now!


Friday, 17 August 2007



my god, i have like a mental picture of myself saying that out and i almost burst out laughing,

speaking of laughing,

today in ELACS, yan and i were talking about Shakespeare and his english, and so i wanted to sort of demonstrate something and like i said OUT LOUD, " jin! look here"

and he did the slow mo turn with his confused face, AND I BURST OUT LAUGHING!?!?!!? yan was like MY GOD, WHY YOU SAY SO LOUD!?!?!?!?!

and the 2 of us proceed to laugh ourselves silly, with poor jin looking at us as though we were aliens and asking hady, " is there anything on my face?"

my god, and lynnette just gave us the o.O face.

so my babes in singapore finally got my mail, so snail mail actually works, how cool is that?? HAHAHA, i always thought that maybe they will lose my letter and stuff, but they got it safely, so yeah, maybe i might snail mail more often, but one thing is that, snail mail is damn ex. -.-

and Le SSS concluded that they suck at being stalkers.

oh well,

anyways, jess is fat. :( HOW?!?!!?!?!?
sooner or later i will not be able to fit into my bloody dress for grad night.

my god, even with jogging i am not losing weight. HELP!

and my dear josceline foo, as much as i want to watch the jay chou movie, I AM IN AUSTRALIA AND THEY DO NOT HAVE IT HERE! DAMN IT PLS.

do you not know how much i miss my crappy but addictive stupid taiwan dramas, where the story all the same one but there are eye candies? WAH LAO.

13 more weeks and i am home.
cannot wait.

and its one down for the hk thingy, JOS LEFT US FOR KOREA.

my god pls, koreans are taking over the world, or at least they are taking over murdoch college.

p.s. i love paj and ella, the rest can go die.

Tuesday, 14 August 2007


how's everybodeh?
oh my, i think ive gotten over my holiday blues. i mean theres really no point in dreading it
it jus makes me get more, and more, and moORE AND MORE DEPRESSED
and slipping into depression doesnt help things at all
so i shall keep trying to look on the brighter side of life which is a whole lot more like my normal, fungus self.
and guess what? i think the hk trip is actually on the roooollll yea baby i cant wait!
well i dont know if things will actually turn out well, cause i totally understand that our recess frens are so popular and we have simply too many obligations, but whtvr it is, i really do hope itll work out. can u imagine how much fun it will be?

sunday morning is so gna hit me before i realize it, but i guess it doesnt matter cuz this hol was so full of LOVE- jess made that one week we saw each other evryday so incredibly special, and donkee ure precious random msgs and vic's vic-ness and all the laughs with my recess frens (:

...i juuus cant wait to get back again!


Monday, 13 August 2007

My Sister's Keeper

i know i a bit slow lar, i only read that book like over this weekend and now i know why jac could not put down the book and burst into tears IN CLASS, it was during physics and of course mr yup being mr yup, he never cares.

and so it one of the best books i have read so far, and next on the list is the time traveller's wife, and also maybe the whole dan brown series... i am starting to read once again, and not just the romance kinds, but also other things...

my god, that was a damn good book.

and i jogged to canning bridge today, i feel so accomplished, its almost like walking from toa payoh to bishan.

Thursday, 9 August 2007


and so i shall be blogging in red today, and like today during directed study was damn fun because we totally wasted time by EATING and EATING some more with trish, hui qian and nirmal.. wait, actually its just all of us minus hui qian, because she is on a diet.

and so she brought her own fruit salad which looked sort of good, it was like fresh fruits and yogurt, and so i asked, omg! is that mayo? and EVERYONE stared at me like O.o? did you not hear she is on a diet jess, so how can it be mayo? then it struck me, oh yeah, oops!

and so hui qian was telling us that its NO fat yogurt and not LOW fat yogurt, NO fat ar, not LOW fat...... and i found it damn funny....

the bloody things we girls do to look good for males who cannot give a damn, nvm, its their loss anyways, its ella's loss, paj's loss, CARROT'S LOSS and also milo's loss.....

and also, yan and i were talking about "someone's" gluteus maximus. IT WAS DAMN FUNNY,
yan: omg, that person rather big sized ar?
jess: yeah, you did not know meh?
yan: that person has a big gluteus maximus!!!! either that of the pants damn tight..
jess and yan laughs uncontrollably for like a million years!

don't you just love chim english?

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Stained Glass Masquerade
Is there anyone that fails
Is there anyone that falls
Am I the only one in church today feelin’ so small

Cause when I take a look around
Everybody seems so strong
I know they’ll soon discover
That I don’t belong

So I tuck it all away, like everything’s okay
If I make them all believe it, maybe I’ll believe it too
So with a painted grin, I play the part again
So everyone will see me the way that I see them
Are we happy plastic people
Under shiny plastic steeples
With walls around our weakness
And smiles to hide our pain
But if the invitation’s open
To every heart that has been broken
Maybe then we close the curtain
On our stained glass masquerade

Is there anyone who’s been there
Are there any hands to raise
Am I the only one who’s traded
In the altar for a stage
The performance is convincing
And we know every line by heart
Only when no one is watching
Can we really fall apart
But would it set me free
If I dared to let you see
The truth behind the person
That you imagine me to be
Would your arms be open
Or would you walk away
Would the love of Jesus
Be enough to make you stay
hello world. tomorrow, it's time to bring on the propaganda baby! haha! (: okay why am i so happy when my life over these past two days have been so uber screwed up? life sucks. rebecca wil agree fully. so glad that you're in singapore at this point in time. haha! thanks babe! mms. right now, lets save money and spend it all at one go! yes i must i must i must!
today i went to this coffee shop at bukit batok for peter's birthday dinner treat. dinner was alright. talked to cousin about many many stuff. i think i really do talk a lot and speak my mind! then she told me that this is how girls let out their emotions. they just throw out everything. guys on the other hand, keep it all in and drown in sorrow or WHATEVER. THIS is the difference between girls and guys. coming to think of it, i think it's SO TRUE. dont you think so?
anyway to jess, now that we're somewhat in the same boat, i wanna encourage you to move on and dont give up! life sucks sucks sucks! i know. in everypart of this world(ny, sing, aus), life sucks. but still, live it. i love you girl!
okay i shall be off now. nights world! ohoh! happy birthday aliciachristinezephyrpangweiru! my bestest primary school bus mate! i love you too woman! (: you have such a long name. haha!
LOVE 宋雨 (:

fungus reporting at jess's blog again!

i havent called jess in two days!
wow. work and guests in my house are taking over my space so i cant call u ):
maybe tmr or fri ok?
hmms. tmrs the ninth of aug,
happy birthday singapore!

other then that, life's been pretty smooooothh (:
and community service makes me sleepy.
..i mus say that ive been SUPER ANGSTY THE WHOLE DAY TODAY
i dunno why. i think my periods around the corner, and everything tt everyone does simply annoys me, and i dont feel like talking to anyone. and right now, my mom keeps walking in and out of my room and she DOESNT CLOSE THE FREAKIN DOOOR-

btw, vic and i bumped into donkee yesterday in town! ISNT THAT SO COOL???
it was the pleasantEST surprise ever (:

yepp im gna get back to my summer reading and closing the door when my my mom comes in again. to my fellow recess frens who pops by: I MISS YOU


Sunday, 5 August 2007

like omg,

i spent like yesterday and today trying to watch those sad until cannot sad kind of movies. like the kind of movies that we used to watch during stay overs all the time and nerissa will fall asleep. -.-

i watched the notebook and a walk to remember.

the notebook was super sad, but it was just so different not watching it with the girls. i had no one to 'awww' or like 'omg' with and also no one to discuss how hot the notebook guy is, and like how sweet was the line he just said, or how pretty the girl is, weather we liked her outfit, or hair, make up and all those things. :(

so i have come to a realisation that i will never watch such movies alone, its just not nice to watch it without my girlfriends. got no mood.


Thursday, 2 August 2007

haha fung is invading tooo!
haha jessica kuek stop slacking tsktsk!
maybe somebody is suddenly trying to study hard!
after being disconnected with the world for two weeks it feels so good to see this web page again
i dont know how im gonna survive in stonybrook ever again ):
im having holiday blues.
and becky doesnt ever emo
at least not on the blog
but leaving singapore to go back to school is mad tragic
i wanna go die now

hello all! jessica's not been updating. so i'll do the job! anyway, i think we should play bridge! although i suck at it. but i think its a fun thing! council's dinner is on friday! i think we're gonna flood the place. but whatever. and yay! vic and ali and cheryl are gonna wait for me to end my stupid school day! hahah! till then! mwaa!

p.s. i had training today! and i entered the GENTS today! i think it's nicer than the ladies. haha!

xoxo nerissa