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Wednesday, 22 August 2007
The influence of SINGAPOREANS in murdoch college.
Gun Park (100% KOREAN) : GP Jess, Yan and Lynn: (100% SINGAPOREANS) GP: OIE! AH LIAN! *lynnette turns* Lynn: What Lar? GP notices yan GP: oie, ah lian no 2! wheres your lan jiao bottle? GP then notices jess GP: oie, ah lian no 3, want sweet a not? Like, erm, oookaay....O.o? Gun Park, AKA goon pook has used like 2 very very singaporean words in one conversation. its almost amazing, we singaporeans should stop corrupting people like GP. who used "ah lian" and " lan jiao". and FYI, GP knows like a million more singlish words and their meanings. -.-" |