hullo it's donkee!
you know, donkeys are stupid. but im a smart donkee(: haha self proclaiming to be one. whatever! i like it. REBECCA IS GOING BACK TOMORROW! sigh. everyones gonna be so so so busy! life is gonna suck because we'll be studying for tests, chionging homework, and trying to get some sleep, meeting doule faced people in every moment of our lives, and most importantly, missing the recess girls. well, im glad to say that all these shit WILL be over in 4 months!
therefore, dot dot dot, we must endure! YES! (:
and jessica! dont be so sad lahh! you'll break my heart, and the great-darling rebecca's and everyone else's!

BE strong my girl! this is how much we love you! shangri-la was our best night. but hk will be our best holiday ever. even better than perth!
these are the special times, times we remember(: